
The reality is a site like this sources information from almost every possible place. One of the things that makes Jordan’s legacy so unique is fans' passion for him that remains still to this day. Whether it is an Instagram account, a YouTube page, a blog article, a new release inspiring nostalgia, or just a memory someone had, people are discussing Jordan's legacy and sharing information.
Throughout establishing this site, an enormous amount of research went into it. Although it can be difficult to directly attribute a source - as a source may have a different source that we missed or the source didn’t mention - some accounts, photographers, people, channels etc. continued to reappear. If, as far as we can tell, the source is the original source of information, we will directly attribute it to them on the spot. However, for everything else, we have listed them below. Please give them a follow, like, subscription, or check them out.
In no particular order:

YouTube: Photographers: Sites: We have done our best to try to attribute sources of photos, sneakers, and information in the form of links and by name or entity. Nevertheless, some of the information may be inaccurate or misplaced. If you see an error, please contact us to correct it.

If you are a content owner and have an issue, please contact us to resolve the issue.